Hotel Gwalior Regency offers unmatched services that suit your every requirement. It has 48 tastefully designed rooms for a comfortable and relaxed stay. Cozy rooms with an inviting ambiance to make your stay in Gwalior, special and enjoyable. Best rooms for travelling businessmen, the rooms offer executive comfort and amenities. A grand living space to ensure that you have a luxurious and enjoyable stay in Gwalior.Furthermore, each and every room is well planned and equipped with state of art facilities to match up to global standards.
Hotel Gwalior Regency is a classy hotel in Gwalior, offering state-of-the-art hospitality services for corporate and holiday makers arriving in the city. The hotel was established in 1986 and has catered to patrons with the highest quality service since its inception.
Hotel Gwalior Regency is centrally located and the accommodation offered comes with contemporary amenities and facilities to satisfy the discerning taste of a cosmopolitan/worldwide traveler.